Net Llama! wrote:

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Squabsy wrote:

I am currently using SuSE 8.2 personal and apart from the now well
documented problem I am havving recording Wavs I am getting on reasonably
ok with it.
I have read a lot  of favourable press recently about knoppix and
wondered if anyone would care to comment on the realative
advantages/disadvantages of Suse Vs Knoppix

Knoppix is a great recovery system and a good linux demo. It can easily be installed to your hard drive. The hardware detection is very good. It's on one cd. It has access to debian archives, which contain huge amounts of software.

KNOPPIX Is debian based, SuSE is, well, SuSE.  I love KNOPPIX for recovery
purposes, but i'd never use Debian on a regular basis.  The entire
religious 'Gnu/Linux' zealotry combined with what i feel is completely
stupid packaging give me a bad taste in my mouth from Debian.  I'm a huge
Redhat fan, although i know some others on this list are not.

Gotta ask. What is so stupid about what I consider the best packaging/updating scheme out there. (sorry, haven't tried gentoo) You can keep debian updated using only a couple of commands once in a while. (apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade)

I just installed debian 3.0 to an old compaq with no cdrom (broken) using floppies and the internet install. Then did apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade a few times while interspersing apt-get -f install to correct dependencies, and it's functional. Wouldn't want to try it with dialup, but it worked.

I hear a lot about debian zealotry. Guess I don't see that, but am certainly open to an explanation...


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