Collins Richey wrote:
The feedback on Linux Today is a mixture of SCO take your [EMAIL PROTECTED] and stuff it, KDE
will die (the Novel/XIMIAN connection), and bemoaning the loss of European
control of a major linux distro.  I would think(hope) that Novell has learned
something since the Unix debacle.  The initial press release indicates that
Novell will push the desktop offerings.  Since RedHat has chosen to concentrate
on servers, this merger (if well executed) could provide the impetus to bring
linux to a lot more of the commercial desktop user market.

Maybe you won't need to signup with MS, Roger, to hasten the demise of MS!

Some of us remember what happened to DR DOS and Word Perfect after Novell bought them.  It is not auspicious IMHO.

Leon A. Goldstein

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