On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 22:42, Tom Wilson wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-11-11 at 16:35, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> > I have been curious what this means for the Ximian desktop. Novell also
> > bought them. Perhaps a merging of the two? Does this mean SuSE will
> > become more Gnome-ish? That would be too bad, IMHO. But I would love to
> > see Evolution grow. Maybe not crash all the time when connecting to an
> > Outhouse server. The irony is that the one part of Evolution I have
> > actually paid for is the one part that does not work. The rest I like
> > very much. Bumped Sylpheed of the desk...
> I'm using the exchange connector at work and it is fine.  It
> occasionally crashes but not even at a rate that is annoying.  Maybe
> once every couple weeks at the most.  After a crash I run 'evolution
> --force-shutdown' and it always comes right back up and hums along
> smoothly.  

Are you using Calendars from the exchange server? What version of
Evolution are you running? How about of GTK and all that? And what
version of exchange server do you access? Here it crashes just about
every time when closing. In the previous release, it was also crashing
when it was started.

We have Evolution 1.4.5 and gtk 2.4.0. I don't know what the version of
exchange server is running. It has just been updated, so it is surely

Roger Oberholtzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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