This is good to hear.  I wish it were so here in the US.  Yes, there are some 
stores that have linux distros & StarOffice for sale.  The last Linux mag 
that had cds was Maximum Linux.  It folded early this year.  The other OS 
seems to have a stronger toe-hold here in the US than in other countries.  
But interest in linux from people that I know is getting greater.  Dell-US 
might have to rethink this in a year or so due to increased demand.


On Friday August 03, 2001 11:10 pm, Mike Andrew wrote:
> On Saturday 04 August 2001 03:35, Jim Conner wrote:
> > On a positive note:
> >
> >tc h_linux_1.html
> >
> > Jim
> I suspect that's because the Linux community in OZ is better represented
> than most. We are constantly fed linux distros and linux apps each month
> from almost all the computer magazines. The "free cd's" on the cover have a
> voracious appetite, so it's a great sell feature for the magazine that it
> supplies 99 cd's this month, most of them linux distros to make the bulk.
> I get more than enough tourists in the shop from OZ who are 'delighted' to
> see Linux workstations, and internet browsers in the cafe. As much as 20%
> of them 'know' what's going on, which is a pleasant surprise.
> I would imagine Dell in Oz have a ready market, I know two budding uni
> students here that ordered from Dell, linux systems (RH 6.0 and Col 2.3
> respectively). So I was surprised by the US announcement. The Unis in oz
> tend to concentrate on C programming 101 and to that end, they 'recommend'
> Linux, or at least some other than a gui windows interface, for their
> course-notes.

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