On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 19:13:53 +0700
Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 18:37:21 -0600 Myles Green
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the pointer... looks like it might be interesting. Do you
> > happen to know if there is an FTP install? 
> You can ftp all the packages to a directory and install from that

OK, that works for me =) thanks again.

> directory, but there is no fetch the packages on the fly like there is
> with gentoo.
> The only other flaw I forgot to mention:  jbl doesn't provide the
> sr_mod.o module, so you will need to customize the kernel to get
> support for CD-RW.

This is OK too, one of the first things I do on my systems is build a
new kernel.
> The installer found my sound card (esssolo1) and NIC (tulip) without a
> hitch, and DHCP is selectable.
> I have cups working for my printer as well.  USB support is there, but

I've been unable to get past printing the test page with slackware 8 /
apsfilter and I've just installed cups / qtcups and and am now trying to
get everything setup and working. Having it all setup and ready to
configure would be nice though <g>. 

> I can't check it out with my equipment; nor do I know how the system
> will fare with SCSI disk and/or PMCIA for laptops.

I use neither of these as well but I do have a USB mouse. I don't expect
any problems...

Thanks for your review =)

> The only user group is the forum on the jbl site, and the traffic is
> pretty light there, but I'm sure the heavy weights on this list can
> answer most questions.
> Collins
> > 
> > On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 17:23:27 +0700
> > Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > FYI
> > > 
> > > I think this is the greatest distro ever!!!
> > > 
> > > Except for a very few things omitted from the Desktop+Development
> > > install option, the system has everything I could possibly want
> > and
> > > more (both GNOME and KDE are onboard).
> > > 
> > > Here are some of the good and bad (nothing disastrous).
> > > 
> > > 1) For those of us used to the Sysvinit form of init, the jbl
> > approach
> > > takes some getting used to.  Instead of the directories with Sxxx
> > and
> > > Kxxx links for each run level, there is a single unified script
> > for
> > > each run level.  You turn on or off scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d by
> > > adding/removing execute permission.  
> > > 
> > > 2) I like the jbl package stuff, but there is no way to do a
> > pretend
> > > install.  The provided rpm2jbl program works.  There is also a
> > patched
> > > version of check install that works quite well and converts the
> > > tarballs to a jbl package on the fly.
> > > 
> > > 3) I had to install a few packages to get the prereqs for xfce,
> > > sylpheed, and opera.  Some were on the cdrom, some were tarballs,
> > all
> > > installed without a hitch, as did the afformentioned products.
> > > 
> > > 4) I can't think of much else right now; jbl is darn near perfect
> > for
> > > my needs.
> > > 
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Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
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