Tom Wilson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I moved from eDesktop 2.4 to Redhat 7.1 and when backing up and saving 
> personal stuff, I tarred up my mail directory and bzip2 it up on to a 
> zip disk.
> Now when trying to retrieve my mail directory, it bunzip2's ok but it 
> won't untar.  
> tar xvf mail.tar puts me right back to a prompt with it still listed as 
> mail.tar.  No error messages no nothing. Just the mail.tar file staring 
> mockingly at me.  

What is the output of:

$ file mail.tar
$ ls -l mail.tar

Five is a sufficiently close approximation to infinity.
                -- Robert Firth

"One, two, five."
                -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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