Tom Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I moved from eDesktop 2.4 to Redhat 7.1 and when backing up and saving

> personal stuff, I tarred up my mail directory and bzip2 it up on to a 
> zip disk.
> Now when trying to retrieve my mail directory, it bunzip2's ok but it 
> won't untar.  
> tar xvf mail.tar puts me right back to a prompt with it still listed
> mail.tar.  No error messages no nothing. Just the mail.tar file
> mockingly at me.  
> Nothing I try with the tar command works.  It just always goes back to

> the prompt.  Any ideas of how I can untar this?  I hate to lose all 
> those e-mail tips I've received over the years.

A few questions, if I may. When you tar'd your mail folder what was the
command you used? Did you check the file size of the .tar file against
the original folder (IIRC, they should be very close to the same)? Did
you try unpacking the .tar.bz2 file with 'tar xyvf <file>.tar.bz2'?
Can you see what's in the .tar file using some utility like KDE's
Archiver or maybe midnight commander? And lastly, have you done this
successfully in the past? 

Sorry for all the questions but those are what came to mind.

Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Step by Step Mirror:

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