On Friday 14 September 2001 03:13, Richard Thompson wrote:

| This list, and its progenitor, provides forums for some of the most
| articuate, intelligent and well respected minds in the linux
| community today. There is a wealth of collective knowledge here
| that could be put to many uses - including helping rid the world of
| the twin evils of intollerance and selfrighteousness.

there are worse things than either of these. drop by and i'll take 
you downtown and show you one.

| Evil on the scale we have recently witnessed requires money - lots
| of it.  It requires organization, support, dedication and lots and
| lots of money.  Any more, money, on this scale at least, requires
| an electronic presence.   I am certain that there are those here
| who know how to find that presence.  I am just as certain that
| there are those here who know how to make it stop working.

there are people in jail for having taken it upon themselves to 
undertake this sort of thing.

| Racist cracks about "diaperheads", and "sew him up alive in a
| gutted sow and leave the lot in the desert sun to dry" rhetoric
| borne of anger and frustration is likely a necessary part of the
| healing process, but its ultimate profitability is questionable. 

how is either of the above racist? tell an iranian he's of the same 
race as an iraqi and, in your final moments, you'll learn what *real* 
racism is.

| There is evil aplenty in the world to oppose - find it, shut it
| down.  Deprive evil of its cover, make it wonder if the wire
| transfer went through, or what the home page of the fund raising
| web site in Hamburg will say this morning or how it is that its
| email got re-routed to the New York Times.

these guys do not get their funding via paypal. they're supported by 
saudia, by iraq, by syria, and by others. we are now saying to those 
countries: shut them down or we'll shut you down, and right now we 
don't especially care which it is, but you very much do care, because 
we can crush you, and will.

one day, you'll wish it was now.
your wish has been granted.
don't waste it.
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