On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 10:50:14AM -0400, Lee wrote:
> > I don't want to get into the argumentative portions of this thread but
> > I saw something interesting on the news last night. Germany, I believe,
> > is investigating whether bin Laden bought shares of the company
> > insuring the WTC, then sold them short or whatever it 's called where
> > you profit if the share price goes down.
> > Randy Donohoe
You wouldn't have to buy shares just in insurance companies. Many, many US 
companies took big hits. Look at the airlines. Microsoft.
There are thousands of people who belong to these Islamic terrorist
organizations in many parts of the world.  The buying and selling could be spread 
plenty thin.
Got a mosque in your area? You may well have a terrorist cell. 
Mosques are used to raise money for these guys.
We do know that part of their charity work is to support terrorists. I am not
makin' it up. It was in the Electronic Telegraph. Story about a foiled
attempt to nerve gas the European Parliament this year. The German police
broke it up.
If staging terror attacks helps to raise money , we will be in for lots
more terror.

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