
  I see where you are going, & that would be nice. Actually that was what the 
UN was for. But as you know, that does not work very well. We spend an 
massive amount of resource there and it is down a black hole. Besides there 
is so much bickering going on, compare it to our Republican/Democrates. There 
needs to be a leader here, one nation that stands for all nations. We are 
that one. It cost us dearly, but we do it. We cannot appease everyone, nor 
are we going to try. We live by our freedom and we may perish by it to, but 
do not look for any time soon. With out the US doing what we do. This planet 
will turn to koas. That would end up on our door step. WW II is an example of 
this. We were in an isolationist mode then, we ended up in your war. You did 
not have a way of grouping together then and you want us  to be there when 
you need us. Otherwise we are not to be seen. You can not have it both ways. 
It just does not work. Yea you can give us ablody nose, but you risk the 
might the will and our resolve. We are not the Romans of old, The Old Egytian 
empire or Babalyon, We do not go where we are not asked to be unless you 
screw with us and then you have more than you bargin for.

cheers my freind
Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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