Why dont you burn your pasport and go have some crepes and fruit, you have 
been away from meat and potatoes too long.

On Monday 17 September 2001 09:02, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Sep 2001 09:27:13 -0400
> dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | On Monday 17 September 2001 03:30, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> | | The US just has to accept the fact that they cannot make the world
> | | safe.
> |
> | i believe you will discover that we have lost all interest in making
> | the world safe and instead now shall make the u.s. safe, and if that
> | means draconian measures elsewhere, tough. if you look at our
> | national debt, you'll find that it in considerable measure comprises
> | money that we have given other countries in little trifles like the
> | marshall plan to rebuild europe at the end of world war II, in war
> | debt owed us by european countries that shall never repay it and
> | shall never be asked to repay it, in monies that we have given
> I write from Sweden, but I am an American. I have lived here many
> years, but I still have a US passport. I saw no advantage to not
> having one. These days, i dunno...
> | developing countries around the world -- we don't believe it's a
> | zero-sum game, instead that every nation and all peoples can prosper
> | -- and we're repaid with sniping, hatred, and, now, not only the
> | events of last tuesday but a substantial number of presumably well
> | meaning but startlingly naive people proposing that we some how
> | deserved it all.
> |
> | you will see our attitude changing. you will discover that you liked
> | our old attitude better.
> | --

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