On Monday 17 September 2001 11:10, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

| This week I was to be in Riyadh. For the first time I can remember,
| I really have been a bit afraid to go. Due to flight delays, my
| VISA has been held up. Sort of saved by the bell.

yeah. i'd do my best to avoid that part of the world. frankly, until 
there's a better handle on this, i'd do my best to avoid being in 
crowds as well. and i'd stay in touch with the embassy -- there's 
some possibility that it will for a change be issuing good 
information. but saudia is never the best place to be, and the things 
that are going to unfold are likely to make a bad place to be a much 
worse place to be.

| This is probably a bit of an explaination for my incessant
| rumblings on this here. This is a first for me. I have never felt
| being an American abroad was a problem. Most people have far more
| complaints against the Germans, who are the real ones throwing
| their economic weight around in this part of the world. Not to
| mention their territorial beach behavior.

yeah. germany has decided that they're willing to fight this war to 
the last american. there's a lot of backchannel jockeying for 
position. italy has decided to cheer us on from the sidelines, but 
the last time italy defeated anybody their opponent was equipped with 
spears and rocks -- a little less threatening than is current 
afghanistan, but not much -- so that little matters. i think that 
it's pretty clear that the u.s. can count on the u.s., and if anybody 
else comes along, fine. but we're the target of the bad guys, and the 
bad guys are the target of us.

| A friend of mine in southern France has said that they have been
| warned to be discrete in speaking English and being identified as
| an American. There is concern that bin Laden's suggestion that 'if
| you see an American, kill him' might start to happen.

i think that it is highly likely that there will be some of this. and 
i think it's important to remember that while bin laden may have had 
a part in this, there is every reason to think he was far from alone.

| I was joking on the 'i dunno...' thing. I have no intention of
| giving up citizenship. Maybe just the accent.

yeah. an american passport is a more grave thing today than ever 
before. here's to you for taking some pride in it, because where you 
are it's a lot more meaningful -- it's easy to wave the flag over 


There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;  
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the  
People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.
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