I would venture to say, there is  a lot less heartache in external 
modems(Parrallel that is, not USB) then any internal.  Some ISA's will work 
flwalessy, some wont.  There are  a few PCI's that work, I believe one of 
them is a USR.

However, if hes giving you access through his lan, you will be better off 
speed wise  8^), otherwise I suggest picking up an external USR(Parrallel) 
modem for about $80.

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 03:58, you were heard blurting out:
> These winmodems are despised generally, because they are a sickener and a
> liability - using up cpu resources. I have a Motorola one, for which
> drivers appeared fairly recently.
> http://www.linmodems.org charts the progress of drivers for them
> On Tuesday 27 November 2001 00:30, you wrote:
> > I have SUSE 7.1 professional installed on my system and have normal
> > internal Winmodem through which I want to surf but computer engineer told
> > that drivers for internal modem is not available. This was told about 4
> > months back.
> > Is it now available and where.
> >
> > My modem is shown as
> > HCF 56K PCI Modem which is installed on Com3
> >
> > Winsock information is
> > Description : WinSock 2.0
> > Version:        2.2
> > Status:          Running
> > Enabled:       Yes
> >
> > I have no network connection but my ISP is putting me on local intranet
> > rather than internet so I am able to surf internet via his server.

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