On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 20:29:41 -0500 Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Anyone care to recommend their favorite Linux-compatible color
> > inkjet printer?  I'm in the market for a new one. I don't *have*
> > to own a color printer, but it would be nice. If a good yet
> > inexpensive laser printer can be had for under $300, that would
> > be nice, too.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Kurt
> Have had good luck with Canon S400 Bubble Jet. Good printer and

I don't know about the newer Canon BJs, but the older ones took
forever to power on and off - requiring massive cleaning each way.  I
have a Lexmark Z53 on my Winders PC now, at it's great.  I'm using a
Laserjet 100 on Linux, since I don't really care about color.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
gentoo_rc6 k2.4.15-pre5+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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