Yes that helped a lot I have downloaded the files and now need to get from
windows to linux. Telstra either has a problem or closed a server down I cannot
get to the named server dce-server on telstra so cannot use linux. Also just
found out that they also have changed the DNS servers too, and not told anyone.

Marianne Taylor wrote:

> Keith:
> I am running Suse 7.2 personal.  I have compiled the kernel several times,
> and each time I have to recompile the alsa modules to go with the new kernel.
> If you didn't change the sound setup when you installed, then you are likely
> running alsa modules.  Check in /etc/modules.conf to see which you are
> running.  Source code can be downloaded from
> It was a snap to compile and no configuration is necessary, since it is
> already set up in /etc/modules.conf.
> I also have a AC97 on board, and I have found the alsa modules better than
> the kernel modules.  If you don't want to do this reinstall every time you
> update the kernel, you will have to switch to the kernel modules.
> I hope this helps.
> --
> Marianne Taylor
> On Monday 03 December 2001 15:55, you wrote:
> >AC97 on board that works well on all distros but stuffed on a recompile.
> >
> >Chang wrote:
> >> what sound card?
> >>
> >> > I can recompile the original kernel and it has no sound no matter if I
> >> > leave the
> >> > sound area untouched in the recompile. I have overcome the no text
> >> > appearing on boot, but the sound is very elusive. Suse in 7.3 just seems
> >> > not to like anyone messing around and recompiling even with a vanilla
> >> > kernel such as 2.4.16.
> >>
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Keith Antoine aka "Skippy"
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland, 4061, Australia PH: 61 7 33002161
Certified Professional Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall!!
Insensible phone computer assistance a speciality.

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