Here I am sitting with towel round waist at 6.20pm after coming out of 
shower for the 4th time today, also having had the machine shut down 4 times 

It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little to 
cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving with 
aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in after an 
hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was just to hard 
to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things down.

last night was 28C lowest and I think the humidity lowest was 75% and topping 
off at 96%, who can tell the difference.

I have plenty to do but the body and brain are drained, this weather 
certainly saps the will to work. Looks as if we might be doing the seafood,
Prawns, crab, moreton bay bugs etc dance for xmas day on the beach, i'll just 
clear the frige of food and drink and sit in there.

Merry Xmas to all and the very best wishes to all fro the New year. Ithas to 
be better than the last one dosen't it ?? 

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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