On December 22, 2001 07:37 pm, Jay Nugent wrote:

One thing that was nice about a Canadian high school education was using the 
metric system 98% of the time.  Of course, now in university, it's  about 
50/50.... I've begun to realize what a pain imperial conversions are as 
opposed to the base-10 conversions of the metric system.

David Aikema

> > That's one thing about us rude colonials we still use the mother
> > country's measuring system so we don't have to remember all those
> > complicated  math formulas.
>    Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
> *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
> measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.
>      0c = pure water freezes                   32f
>    100c = pure water boils (at sea level)     212f
>      1g = 1cc pure water (in liquid state)
>      1calorie = raise 1cc pure water 1c in 1minute
>    Dang!  Nice how dimensional measurements and mass and temperature all
> relate to one another like that :-)
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