David Aikema wrote:

> On December 22, 2001 07:54 pm, Lee wrote:
> > >    Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
> > > *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
> > > measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.
> >
> > Metric is just as arbitrary as a king's foot being 12 inches long rather
> > than 10 and 36 inches from tip of his nose to finger tips. In the universe
> > there's nothing more arbitrary than the circumference of the Earth or
> > boiling and freezing point of  pure water at one standard Earth atmosphere.
> That would be fine if you stuck to inches all the time but:
> 12 inches = 1 foot
> 3 feet = 1 yard
> ???? yards = 1 mile
> ....
> then for volumes
> teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, pints, quarts, gallons, etc.
> In metric:
> its all in the prefixes
> ... you don't need to memorize whole new things all the time
> each prefix is related to the others by multiples of 10
> David Aikema

That's why we're so much better at Base eight and hexadecimal than the French.


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