Jay Nugent wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, Lee wrote:
> > David Aikema wrote:
> >
> > > On December 22, 2001 06:51 pm, Lee wrote:
> > > > > It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little
> > > > > to cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving
> > > > > with aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in
> > > > > after an hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was
> > > > > just to hard to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things
> > > > > down.
> > > >
> > > > 37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?
> > >
> > > C = 5/9(F-32) so... which works out to roughly 100F
> > >
> > > David Aikema
> >
> > That's one thing about us rude colonials we still use the mother country's
> > measuring system so we don't have to remember all those complicated  math
> > formulas.
>    Too bad we blew it back in the late 70's, early 80's when we were
> *supposed* to move over to the metric system.  Base-10 is FAR better a
> measurement scale than Base-the-kings-feet and other arbitrary scales.

Metric is just as arbitrary as a king's foot being 12 inches long rather than 10 and
36 inches from tip of his nose to finger tips. In the universe there's nothing more
arbitrary than the circumference of the Earth or boiling and freezing point of  pure
water at one standard Earth atmosphere.

>      0c = pure water freezes                   32f
>    100c = pure water boils (at sea level)     212f
>      1g = 1cc pure water (in liquid state)
>      1calorie = raise 1cc pure water 1c in 1minute
>    Dang!  Nice how dimensional measurements and mass and temperature all
> relate to one another like


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