On December 22, 2001 06:51 pm, Lee wrote:
> Keith Antoine wrote:
> >  Here I am sitting with towel round waist at 6.20pm after coming out of
> > shower for the 4th time today, also having had the machine shut down 4
> > times also.
> >
> > It got to 37C about 1.30 and is still 30C at the moment. Fans do little
> > to cool one down and I had 3 travel jobs to do today. That meant driving
> > with aircon struggling, so much so that I burnt my hand getting back in
> > after an hr and 30 on the steering wheel, also the safety belt buckle was
> > just to hard to fasten. There is no sign of a good storm to cool things
> > down.
> 37C? What does that come to in real temperature (F)?

C = 5/9(F-32) so... which works out to roughly 100F

David Aikema
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