Net Llama wrote:
> --- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Net Llama wrote:
>>>Windoze will let you completely fubar the video settings to
>>>above what the monitor will handle.  Good luck getting that fixed
>>>without reinstalling the OS, when you have no video, no telnet, no
>>You boot into safe mode and run 640x480 and fix it. Not ALL Windows 
>>problems require re-installing the O/S. In fact, Windows users 
>>re-install the O/S far more frequently than is required.
> Last I checked NT4 didn't have a safe mode.  If some luser
> unintentionally (or otherwise) screwed the video settings, it was time
> to see how the blind use windoze.

Maybe not... No NT4 experience here. I've only used/supported Win 9x and 
Win2K. Win2K has a safe mode, of sorts (I forget the exact terminology 
it uses).


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