On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 15:20 +0100, Martin Rubli wrote:
> > Your bayer app seems to have kickstarted something - fswebcam is now  
> > able to dump the data fine, and I'm getting a proper image. The strage  
> > thing is that now I can't reproduce the original problem. I've tried  
> > everything but unplugging the camera, and I'll try that later today.
> All the settings that the bayer tool makes are forgotten if the camera is  
> unplugged, so that should help. Let us know if you find the source of the  
> confusion. Might be worth documenting ...

Ah, turns out it was my fault. I had been using this to set the bit

--set "Raw data: Bits per pixel=8"

Looking at bayer.c, I should have been setting it to 0 for 8-bit and 1
for 10-bit. The data I was getting is most likely valid 10-bit data,
which I can't decode yet.


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