On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 07:43:11AM -0600, Gene Imes wrote:
> Michel, If I click the 'Take a Picture!' button or the 'AVI Start/Stop' 
> buttons nothing seems to happen. Is there a trick to it? If so what?
> Or perhaps luvcview is writing to some directory I can not find.

On my system, luvcview will produce a "quickcam.jpg" and/or a "video.avi"
in the current directory when I hit those buttons. Note that the avi may
well be huge, as it's an MJPEG stream. 

If you run luvcview from a terminal, you'll see log messages like "get
picture !" when it takes a picture successfully. 

Hope this helps, 

Alex Pounds (Creature)                  .~.         http://www.alexpounds.com/
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"Variables won't; Constants aren't"   /(   )\
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