Le Mardi 9 Janvier 2007 14:43, Gene Imes a écrit :
> > I just upload a new revision of luvcview with pan/tilt fix, a lot of
> > improvements. Seem strange that we cannot change the exposure in manuel
> > mode ? Is there a way to set/reset the autowhite balance too ? a lot of
> > robotic project need these features
> > Cheers
> Michel, If I click the 'Take a Picture!' button or the 'AVI Start/Stop'
> buttons nothing seems to happen. Is there a trick to it? If so what?
> Or perhaps luvcview is writing to some directory I can not find.
> Thanks,
Maybe because Picture and Avi only works with the MJPEG palette. Did you need 
Picture and AVI for all palettes ?
Michel Xhaard
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