John B. Reynolds wrote:

>5.11.  The "Fair Hearing" provisions of Sections 5.8, 5.10, and 5.11 make it
>possible for any special interest or special interest group to delay almost
>indefinitely any policy that they disagree with. 

I don't see this. Especially not the "indefinitely" part. I think it 
works this way: you state your problem, you propose new language that 
would solve your problem, the committee either adopts your language or 
holds a hearing for you. After the hearing, the committee either amends 
its proposal or moves on. No can block the process indefinitely.

> Section 5.9 goes even
>further.  It elevates the particular special interest group of registries
>above all others by giving it veto power and by requiring an essentially
>unachievable 3/4 supermajority of registries for approval.  

I think the modified Section 5.9 proposed by the Association of Internet 
Professionals and NSI (see the AIP's letter of support and its "Joint 
Appendix") solves your concern. 

     -- Bret

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