What you don't understand is that I do not have the technical
understanding at the detailed level that is required to get it all
right, but my mail forwarder at ics.uci.edu is upportive and only puts
in the NMA.COM zone file what I agree to have put there.  He controls
the passward, but does not do anything I do not want done.

On the other hand, I do not argue with him about the details.  I
arrange for the secondary services of FV.COM and ARL.ARMY.MIL, but
there is no magic involved.  Both are just former clients;-)...

In fact, ARL.ARMY.MIL has been my secondary since I first got my
NMA.COM registration using the Registrar support of Geoff Goodfellow
who pioneered the concept of offering Registrar Services in 1987.  My
last contract with ARL.ARMY.MIL was in 1987 with Steve Wolff who left
in mid contract to take over Dennis Jennings NSF management job at NSF.

FV.COM is operated by my friends at First Virtual Holdings Inc, which
has recently changed its name to MessageMedia, so I will someday be
dropping the FV.COM secondary and replace it with somethign at VRX.NET
as Richard Sexton has offered to provide secondary support.

If you were to ask Richard nicely, he would no doubt offer to support
your DNS name with secondary backup too.  He does this for lots of
people who ask for it.  I net the Eberhard woudl do the same if you
ask nicely.  So, there you are with 2 suggestions for secondaries

BTW, have you asked your ISP if they will let you choose your own
secondaries?  Have you even discussed the idea with them that yuou
might like to understand how you might have more say in how they
handle you DNS server support?

If not, then you shodul not be acting like you know all about how it
does or does not work.


>From your message Tue, 09 Feb 1999 02:16:57 -0500:
}Einar Stefferud:
}> And, for Michael's information, the fact that he has contractred with
}> an ISP to do everythig for his DNS Zone, and not let him have password
}> control of it is his decision and not a feature of the DNS!
}> In my own case, I cvontrol all aspects of the content of my NMA.COM
}> zone, and have arranged for its primary to be at ICS.UCI.EDU And
}> secondaries at ARL.ARMY.MIL, FV.COM, and have arrranged to add VRX.COM
}> some time in the near future, as FV.COM might go away some time soon.
}> All these things are my choices, though I have to negotiate
}> arrangements with all the primary and secondary server providers.
}> And, yes, I could primary or secondary on my own system.
}> Further, my primary and scondaries do not make any changes that I do
}> not approve.
}> Also, I am listed as the Admin, and Tech and billing contacts for my
}> zone.
}Well, isn't that nice? I'm very happy for you, Stef. So long as you're se=
}up fine, the hell with the 1,000,000 users who haven't got your connectio=
}and your technical understanding, huh?

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