All of them!  (see Eberhard's question below;-)...

I also agree that the initial members of the startup DNSO should be
the Zone Administrators and not the Technical Contacts!

And, for Michael's information, the fact that he has contractred with
an ISP to do everythig for his DNS Zone, and not let him have password
control of it is his decision and not a feature of the DNS!

In my own case, I cvontrol all aspects of the content of my NMA.COM
zone, and have arranged for its primary to be at ICS.UCI.EDU And
secondaries at ARL.ARMY.MIL, FV.COM, and have arrranged to add VRX.COM
some time in the near future, as FV.COM might go away some time soon.

All these things are my choices, though I have to negotiate
arrangements with all the primary and secondary server providers.
And, yes, I could primary or secondary on my own system.

Further, my primary and scondaries do not make any changes that I do
not approve.

Also, I am listed as the Admin, and Tech and billing contacts for my


>From your message Mon, 08 Feb 1999 07:43:34 +0200:
}In message <001401be52fb$9ddc9320$0100000a@jbr>, "John B. Reynolds" writes:
}> Michael Sondow wrote:
}> >
}> > Einar Stefferud a crit:
}> >
}> > > I agree with this concern, and I suggest that the initial membership
}> > > be defined in some other more well defined way.  One suggestion that
}> > > makes sense to me is "Anyone with a DNS Zone file to administer" to be
}> > > used to elect an INITIAL Names Council
}> >
}> > Yes, of course you would suggest this, since it puts ORSC into
}> > the driver's
}> > seat. Everyone else, who doesn't administer DNS zone files, will have
}> > another, very different suggestion about how the NC will be elected. And
}> > Einar Stefferud won't nevessarily be their NC chairman.
}> >
}> How would this give control to ORSC?  Every domain name holder directly or
}> indirectly administers a DNS zone file.  Are you sure you're not confusing
}> "DNS zone" with "root zone"?
}There is write permission to a zone file, but many can have it.
}I prefer the "Administrative Contact" of a zone.
}There are multiple levels of zone files. Root, TLD, Second Levels
}within the TLDS. Third and more levels within SLwTLD.
}Which ones are we thinking of?

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