In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Roeland M.J. Meyer" wri
> At 09:49 PM 2/7/99 -0500, Michael Sondow wrote:
> >John B. Reynolds a écrit:
> >> Every domain name holder directly or
> >> indirectly administers a DNS zone file.  Are you sure you're not 
> >> confusing "DNS zone" with "root zone"?
> >
> >No, the domain holders don't administer zone files. That's done by the ISPs
> >and the layers above them in the hierarchy. My name isn't in my ISP's
> >permissions file for changing RRs. I have no control over the MX records, or
> >the CNAME aliases, or who is the secondary NS, or anything else to do with
> >the zone files. I've been reading the BIND manual in my spare time. You
> >can't kid me.


that may be true, but is not the issue.

whois ICIIU.ORG yields:

   Administrative Contact:
      Sondow, Michael  (MS17032)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      +1 (718) 846-7482
   Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
      Wianecki, Chris  (CW618)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      (718) 318-6444
   Billing Contact:
      Sondow, Michael  (MS17032)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      +1 (718) 846-7482

Whether you contract with to have physical write access to
the iciuu zone file is a matter of convenience (by way of contract
between ICIIU and PERFEKT.NET) and maybe a matter of security.


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