Einar Stefferud a écrit:
> I think that something deeper is going on here, and to the credit of
> the DNSO.ORG, I think that the fault lies more with the International
> Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and INTA, and perhaps ICANN's willingness to
> work in closed meetings with INTA and others, including DNSO.ORG.

   (big snip)

Pretty good analysis of things as they now stand, Stef. I feel I ought to
add to what you said that the January 22nd meeting is, according to the
latest info (which is scarce), going to be divided into two parts. The first
part will be for the organizers and their invited guests, whoever these are.
To the credit of the dnso.org organizers, they seem to have asked for all
the participants from Monterrey and Barcelona to be admitted as invitees. No
word has come back yet from John Englund on this.

Then there will apparently be a second part, where others can come and
speak. This is where the users of the Internet (and by this I mean ALL the
users) are going to be allowed to make their pleas for democracy and
fairness and be laughed at by the people with economic power.

So the January 22nd meeting isn't going to be an open meeting, in the
Internet sense of openness. Some people in the dnso.org organizing teams are
protesting this and calling for a separate dnso.org meeting. Personally, I
don't see how that can be avoided in any case, because the participants
(that is, the dnso.org participants) aren't going to sign a changed
application that they've never had the chance to discuss, and it now looks
like there are going to be, how many?, three? four? new application
proposals by the end of January.

So this mess is getting worse rather than better. That's the concrete
reality. Instead of things getting more organized, they're getting more
disorganized. And the reason for this, as Stef has so well pointed out, is
that all the special interest groups keep scheming and conniving to get
their own way. I guess everyone's philosophy is that if they keep at it long
enough, the others will get tired and they'll get what they want. It hasn't
worked yet, but people don't seem to learn.

Who's fault is all this? Again, Stef's probably right in pointing to ICANN.
It's this competition for applications, this beauty contest that's been set
up, where everyone thinks that if they can knock out their opponents they'll
be declared the winner. Stupid, isn't it? But that's the mentality we're
dealing with. Really stupid. And meanwhile, NSI has climbed to $175/share.

Personally, I think it's getting to be time for the IFWP wrap-up. Remember
that? I think it just got put off, really, and now it's catching up with us.
Yeah, there's going to have to be a summit meeting to straighten things out.
There's just no other way. And the people who are irreconcilable will be
told to go outside and fight it out in the street, beat some sense into each
other, and then come back when they're ready to talk sense.

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