Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The NewCo, according to the White Paper, was supposed to be a
>self-regulatory agency taking into account and representing all
>Internet interests. Unfortunately, it isn't turning out that
>way. ICANN itself is flawed, perhaps fatally, by the manner of its
>creation. Now it is carrying out divisive and disunifying policies
>like separating the SOs by obliging them to incorporate
>independently, asking for multiple proposals in a competitive
>environment instead of providing a forum for consensus, and denying
>the Internet community the mechanisms for communicating interactively
>with it that might foster mutual trust.

But this list is (supposedly) a forum for consensus, and yet people
fight.  People were fighting before ICANN appeared on the scene.
ICANN has no control over the fighting, from what I can see.


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