Dave Farber is absolutely correct Esther. Your reply to Jeff below shows
that up to this point you simply have not heard and/or understood the
importance of his (Farbers) comment to this list last night.

Please note also VERY carefully EXECUTIVE SESSIONS should be the EXCEPTION
and NOT the rule.....Dave said that very plainly last night.  closed board
meetings send the message that you are hiding something or that you want to
be able to hide something in the future.  If the answer to both of these
concerns is no, then *show* the rest of us that it is no by agreeing to
open meetings.

>There is no real problem scheduling an Exec Session for a Board meeting.
>The PITAC and all other federal Advisory Boards do that ALL the time. An
>open NON-Board meeting is not an OPEN BOARD Meeting.
>The public has a right to see how the issues are handled etc in such an
>organization and the best way to ensure that is to have OPEN Board
>At 10:09 AM 1/11/99 -0500, Esther Dyson wrote:
>>Yes. It is in our bylaws and in all the public statements we have made.
>>Basically, we could have had "open" board meetings with executive sessions
>>that were closed, but we figured (the Initial Board voted) that this (below)
>>is the best way to do it.  The meeting on Wednesday is open,and with the
>>Board, but it is not a "board meeting." DUring it we expect to consider
>>proposals, ask questions, debate issues among ourselves publicly and with
>>the public, and so on. It makes it easier for everyone to have a clear-cut
>>schedule, rather than invite people to come to an "open" board meeting and
>>cool their heels while we hold executive sessions.  As also laid out in the
>>bylaws, all Board votes on substantive issues will be on the record.
>> At 06:11 AM 11/01/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>>At 03:08 AM 1/11/99 +0000, jeff Williams wrote:
>>>>Esther and all,
>>>>  Is what Dave Farber saying here in reference to the Singapore meeting
>>>>Please advise.
>>>I hope I heard wrong but I was told by a Board  person when I said I would
>>be in Singapore for Apricot, that I should understand I would not be invited
>>to the closed Board meeting on the 4 th but that there was a open general
>>meeting on the 3 rd.  I was surprised that the Board meeting was closed!!!!
>>Esther Dyson                  Always make new mistakes!
>>chairman, EDventure Holdings
>>interim chairman, Internet Corp. for Assigned Names & Numbers
>>1 (212) 924-8800
>>1 (212) 924-0240 fax
>>104 Fifth Avenue (between 15th and 16th Streets; 20th floor)
>>New York, NY 10011 USA
>>High-Tech Forum in Europe:  October 1999, Budapest
>>PC Forum: 21 to 24  March 1999, Scottsdale (Phoenix), Arizona
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