On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 10:28:47AM -0500, Antony Van Couvering wrote:
> Kent Crispin wrote,
> >
> > ccTLDs have a more interesting conundrum.  They don't want to submit
> > to ICANN regulation.  But on the other hand, they want ICANN to
> > endorse rfc1981 to give ccTLDs some protection against their
> > associated sovereignties.  Of course, if I were ICANN I know how I
> > would handle this :-)
> >
> A lot of ccTLDs want to ICANN to endorse RFC 1591 because they want
> protection against ICANN.  They want stability.  They want continuity.  They
> want to see some new standards before the old ones are thrown out.  It's not
> as if ccTLDs are worried about the government "finding out" about them and
> showing them the door.  They don't want a brand new principle of
> "sovereignty" to be invoked (and it *is* new) that would threaten the
> continuity of their operations.

You have said nothing that contradicts my above statement.

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair                         "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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