Hi Patrick -- That is the bad news.  

The good news is that doing so will unmask ICANN for what it is;-)...

BTW, my access to present mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is blocked and my mail is being rejected.


>From your message Fri, 21 May 1999 19:41:12 -0700 (PDT):
}On Fri, 21 May 1999, Esther Dyson wrote:
}> The rooms are open.  Then either the constituencies self-organize, and the
}> Initial Board  recognizes them, or certain constituencies will be missing in
}> the initial DNSO.
}Consider for a moment that ISOC, who is convienently holding an
}all-chapters meeting in Berlin immediately preceeding the ICANN meeting,
}overwhelm the meeting with representitives for all the constituencies.
}You would recognize constituencies without offering equal weight to
}the input and/or participation of those utilizing the Internet who
}are either unable or unwilling to spend the potentially thousands of
}dollars(depending on location) to go to Europe?
}Recognizing any constituency without the input of those unable to attend
}physically would be do a great disservice to those that you purport to
}Patrick Greenwell                Telocity           http://www.telocity.com
}(408) 863-6617 v                 (tinc)                (408) 777-1451 f

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