On Sat, 22 May 1999 11:07:06 +0100, Dr Eberhard W Lisse

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Willie the Whiner whined again:
>> Nice way to get rid of mail from a certain someone...just enable
>> ORBS on the list mailserver, netcom has quite a few open relays,
>> including the one at the dallas pop.
>You are not only an idiot (proved again by this suggestion about
>criminal offenses), Willie, you are also a fascist.
>But then freedom of speech would be a novel concept...

Freedom of speech is a right of people to speak with no government
restrictions.  There is no obligation for private parties to permit
unrestricted access/speech on forums they operate.  If they do, it is
merely a courtesy, and can be revoked at any time for any reason.

There are no criminal offenses involved, Doctor.  But then you knew
that already, as this is just more of your "fun and games" you are
here to play.  This second childhood of yours is lasting quite a

William X. Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General Manager, DSo Internet Services

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