Kent Crispin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As I have said, I am not sure I believe that an IDNO needs to exist,
> but if one *is* to exist, it really needs a different political
> framework, and it needs to start fresh. 
> [.......]
> In the interests of starting fresh, I would like to propose a
> different approach to this: instead of trying to create an Individual
> Domain Name Owners Constituency, why not try to convince ICANN to
> give the General Assembly 3 seats on the Names Council? This would
> still require establishment of a voting system and some structure to
> the GA, but it would be handled within the DNSO itself.

I think that is a great idea. It will silence much of the criticism
that the DNSO is closed. It will also be a good test for how the
general membership of the ICANN will work out. But then the GA also
needs to represent the people who do not come at the ICANN
meetings around the world. This means online discussion (mailing
lists) and voting.


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