On Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 08:23:04PM -0400, Dan Steinberg wrote:
> Kevin,
> Did you perhpaps forget this little part of Joop's declaration:
> > I presumed that you were giving up your membership of our illegitimate
> > organization.
> > Are you?
> > 
> > If not, I will put your name back on forthwith, and with apologies for
> > misreading your intentions.
> > 
> If you want to characterize that as expulsion, go ahead.

Indeed.  Call it what you like.  Kevin was removed unilaterally by
Joop, with no consultation, comment, process, or indeed any input
from anyone.  Whether you term it "expulsion" is immaterial.  What is
material is Joop's behavior.

> I personally
> think that people got a bit heated up over there but nobody got
> expelled IMHO.

You are of course free to use words however you wish...

Frankly, I'm not heated -- I'm amazed.

> So your timestamps are kinda irrelevant. There are a lot of
> hot-blooded posters on all the lists.  I suggest you take a deep
> breath and plunge back in.

It is one thing to be a hot-blooded poster.  It is another thing to
act.  Personally, as I've said, I find Joop's actions absolutely
incomprehensible, not just because they are so contradictory to the
principles he claims to hold, but because they are so obviously
self-damaging.  Given all the history, it should have been absolutely
clear to anyone with half a wit that such actions would almost 
certainly backfire.  

I can't help but contrast this with Don Heath's handling of Jeff
Williams claims that INEG is now a non-profit, and therefore should
be a member of the NCDNHC.  Jeff Williams has vilified ISOC and Don
Heath for ages.  This is what Don said:

  "That notwithstanding, if INEG,Inc.  is legitimate and qualifies
  under the rules of this constituency, he is in."

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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