On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:19:56 -0500, "John B. Reynolds"

>>You voluntarily made that statement, and if you are not on the IDNO
>>list, or a member of the IDNO it was entirely by your voluntary
>Connolly's name was removed from the IDNO Web site a full day before he
>wrote that message.  The passage you quote is his reaction to his removal,
>not its cause.

I know this John.  I agree that removing his name was not necessarily
appropriate, and I've made my comments on that through other channels.

My point was that this in NO way was a removal from membership.  There
are other members not listed on the website, and the action that was
taken above was something done in haste. 

But rather than have that clarified and discussed, Kevin jumped on
this, and turned it into an issue to inflame and incite opposition to
the IDNO.  He did so QUITE quickly and without delay.  I'm not sure
what conclusions should be drawn about that, and I'm trying to give
him the benefit of the doubt.  Its getting hard to do, especially when
I've been told not to email him privately about this, and that he will
not discuss it privately with me.

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

The Law is not your mommy or daddy to go crying
to every time you have something to whimper about.

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