William X. Walsh wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:50:03 -0400, "Kevin J. Connolly"
>>Your reference to "my post" is quite bizarre.  What post are you talking
about?  Certainly not one in which I unsubscribed.
>No, one in which you indicated you were leaving.
>Here is an except from that message, Mr Connelly
>I can no longer support this organization or its activities.  While I
>have had my differences with many of the members of IDNO, I believed
>it was in the best interest of the Internet that individuals as such
>be empowered, and I saw IDNO as a means to that end.  I no longer see
>IDNO as anything more than a pawn of NSI, and I will not continue to
>further NSI's agenda.  I remain undecided as to whether trying to
>empower individuals in internet governance is a quest for the Holy
>Grail or an attempt to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
>You voluntarily made that statement, and if you are not on the IDNO
>list, or a member of the IDNO it was entirely by your voluntary

Connolly's name was removed from the IDNO Web site a full day before he
wrote that message.  The passage you quote is his reaction to his removal,
not its cause.

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