At 08:12 PM 6/16/99 , Kevin J. Connolly wrote:
>It's not hard to see the connection or the rationale for it.  
>The Executive Director of the IDNO is Jay Fenello, 

This is news to me.  I've never agreed to play 
any role in the IDNO, other than to sign on as 
an initial supporter.

And while I have not been involved in the current
IDNO mud-slinging fest, I must confess that I'm 
not surprised by Kevin Connolly's recent actions.  

For those among us who are history buff's,
here's one from the archives.  Enjoy:

>Date: Fri, 8 Aug 1997 15:22:48 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Personal Attacks, Power, and the PAB
>While preparing to speak at the recent DNS Conference
>(, several people 
>cautioned "If you see a red laser dot on your 
>forehead, you should hit the dirt!"
>That was a good laugh, or so I thought.
>In light of the recent article by Brock Meeks of 
>one that does an excellent job of exploring the long 
>range implications of the gTLD-MoU, someone secretly
>forwarded the following internal PAB communication:
>>Jay Fenello is waging a campaign on the Domain Policy List to bump the
>>referenced piece of trash into the MSNBC Top Ten List.
>>PAB members could do us all a service by going to the site and rating the
>>Article "1" where it belongs.
>>By the way . . . Fenello is "testing the waters" as permitted by a recent
>>amendment to SEC Regulations, to decide whether or not to file an initial
>>public offering.  The exemption on which he relies requires that the
>>company list all of its officers and directors.  There's only one -- Fenello.
>>Those persons' complete employment history must be supplied:  there's
>>only one job, as Senior consultant/principal of "I.Q. Associates, Inc."  He
>>hasn't indicated an address for the company of its state of incorporation;
>>but a check of the ALLBIZ file in the Lexis database of American
>>corporations turned up gornisht by this name.  The FBI may have decided
>>that Fenello was too small a fry to bother with, but the SEC will not share
>>that disinterest.
>Around the same time I received this, and as independent 
>confirmation that the above posting was distributed, PAB member 
>Kevin J. Connolly responded to our "test-the-waters" with the 
>following message:  "I am unable to evaluate your offering since 
>you did not supply an address or even state of incorporation 
>for IQ Associates.  Please rectify this omission."
>As a PAB member and an attorney with Eaton & Van Winkle, I don't 
>know if Kevin has broken any laws, but his fishing expedition 
>would appear inappropriate at best.
>Anyone who thinks that this debate is not about power and
>control, ask yourself why the PAB is resorting to personal
>If they have consensus, if they have a stronger vision for
>the Internet, if they are honest in what their goals are,
>why are they resorting to personal attacks?
>We've heard many times how "open" their process is and has
>been.  But many have complained that their input has been 
>rudely dismissed, ignored, or ridiculed.  Now, we can all 
>see that these claims are valid.  Are these the people we 
>want to govern the Internet for the next twenty years?


Jay Fenello
President, Iperdome, Inc.    404-943-0524
What's your .per(sm)? 

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