
Kent Crispin wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 08:23:04PM -0400, Dan Steinberg wrote:
> > Kevin,
> >
> > Did you perhpaps forget this little part of Joop's declaration:
> > > I presumed that you were giving up your membership of our illegitimate
> > > organization.
> > > Are you?
> > >
> > > If not, I will put your name back on forthwith, and with apologies for
> > > misreading your intentions.
> > >
> > If you want to characterize that as expulsion, go ahead.
> Indeed.  Call it what you like.  Kevin was removed unilaterally by
> Joop, with no consultation, comment, process, or indeed any input
> from anyone.  Whether you term it "expulsion" is immaterial.  What is
> material is Joop's behavior.

  This is again disingenuous of Kent.  I made several statements indicating
that Kevin should NOT be removed.

> > I personally
> > think that people got a bit heated up over there but nobody got
> > expelled IMHO.
> You are of course free to use words however you wish...
> Frankly, I'm not heated -- I'm amazed.

  I am not amazed, but dismayed.  Kevin as was yourself actively attempting
to be purposefully disruptive.  Even this being the case, removing Kevin from
the IDNO site or the mailing list was a hasty action IMHO, as I have
previously stated on the IDNO mailing list.

> > So your timestamps are kinda irrelevant. There are a lot of
> > hot-blooded posters on all the lists.  I suggest you take a deep
> > breath and plunge back in.
> It is one thing to be a hot-blooded poster.  It is another thing to
> act.  Personally, as I've said, I find Joop's actions absolutely
> incomprehensible, not just because they are so contradictory to the
> principles he claims to hold, but because they are so obviously
> self-damaging.  Given all the history, it should have been absolutely
> clear to anyone with half a wit that such actions would almost
> certainly backfire.
> I can't help but contrast this with Don Heath's handling of Jeff
> Williams claims that INEG is now a non-profit, and therefore should
> be a member of the NCDNHC.  Jeff Williams has vilified ISOC and Don
> Heath for ages.  This is what Don said:

  I was not asking to be a member of the NCDNDC, but only to be able to
participate on the NCDNHC mailing list.  Secondly Kent conveniently left out
that I have never claimed that INEG is a non-profit corporation but that
our non-profit Arm INEGroup is.  Third point that Kent and Don seemingly
fail to recognize, but some of the NCDNHC members will, is that INEGroup
through some of it's chapters and trusts, will likely cease to financially
support all or most of those organizations due to this refusal of myself
or anyone form participating on the NCDNHC mailing list which has now
defined itself as a closed mailing list.  So be it.

>   "That notwithstanding, if INEG,Inc.  is legitimate and qualifies
>   under the rules of this constituency, he is in."
> --
> Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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