> when you want to cease slinging mud from the mexico city sewers have a look
> at my web site, if you are interested in a factual assesment of my reality
> as opposed to whom you can snuggle up to to get your daily bread buttered.
> what *do* you stand for sasha?  attacking anyone who is self employed and
> independent of government and corporations as are sondow and my self?


will be glad to change the mudslinging to a better kind of discussion.

I have known your report and am sorry for the use you have recently given

To answer your question: what I stand for (re the Internet).

Wide access to the Internet even where the miraculous hand of the market
won't go: the poor, the disadvantaged, those in isolated rural condition.
To empower them not only to consume from the Internet but to create and
deliver content, service for others and themselves, to avoid
(energetically) the gap in technology.

Frank, open, intelligent discussion of issues across cultures and
languages (there's a world beyond English; beyond your stereotypes etc.).
Room for non-anglo, non-US/Euro centric views (and beyond the West, which
will be an even greater task).

Avaialabilty of appropriate, accessible technical means for development
(social, personal and otherwise), education foremost.

Integrity, a high value, difficult to document and credibly maintain on
the Net. Objectivity, rationality.

Against automatic, unwarranted dominance by "big business", by free market
ideology, against cheating and twisting the truth.

For the knowledge of others' agendas and respecting them thru
communication on the Net. 

Business growth, self-emplyment, entrepreneurship are irrenounceable.
Never, nothing
against you in this regard. The Net will not grow on a dirigiste approach
alone, nor without it or other means of furthering a social (not
necessarily socialist as you understand it) agenda.

The Net will have to foster intelligence and not only data or knowledge.
New compeences are required to achieve this. This intelligence will be
collective and not only individual. It will have to deal with emotions and

Claiming independence does not automatically make us better and in
particular does not make our contributions any more useful. A clear view
and a logical mind do go a long way.

This too bad?

Alejandro Pisanty

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