Michael and all,

  (See below Michaels comments for mine)

Michael Sondow wrote:

> You wrote:
> >
> > Well, the two names council members that are employees of MCI in contravention
> > to the bylaws that state no more than one employee of a company may
> > be on the names council is the most obvious one.
> While the case of the two MCI employees on the Names Council is
> ceratinly a violation of the bylaws, as you say, the most obvious
> violation is undoubtedly the duplication of CORE members. Article
> VI-B Sec. 2(g) of the bylaws states that "No more than one officer,
> director or employee of a corporation or other organization
> (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) shall serve on the NC at
> any given time."
> All three NC members from the Registrar Constituency are CORE
> members, and two of them - Ken Stubbs and Amadeu Abril i Abril - are
> officers of CORE, Stubbs being the President of the Executive
> Committee and Amadeu Abril i Abril being a member of the Policy
> Oversight Committee. If we add to that David Maher, another POC
> member, who has appointed himself the NC member from the
> Non-Commercial Constituency, and Javier Sola, a member of the Policy
> Advisory Body, who is not only an NC member from the Business
> Constituency but recently the Chair of the NC, we get a grand total
> of no less than five CORE officers on the Names Council. If we add
> up ISOC personnel among NC members we get similar results.
> But the bylaws weren't written to apply to the people who set up
> ICANN - CORE and ISOC - but only the external organizations, so as
> to keep them from gaining any influence.

  It certainly appears that your statement is correct.  And it also
appears that this problem needs immediate correction before any
meaningful forward movement can be legitimately achieved
with respect to ICANN and this process.

  I would add that this concern has been specifically stated to
Becky Burr, and my comments here are also being copied to her
as well, but the oversight from the NTIA in this and several other
regards, has either been overlooked or ignored for some unknown
reason to date.

  Therefore, it might be useful for the House Commerce Commision
to look into these concerns in earnest with respect to correction and any
decisions made by the PNC/NC prior to a potential congressional order
that might incur as a result, be also ordered reconsidered and
determined, as part of that potential congressional order or have those
ICANN (Initial? Interim Board members be held in contempt of congress
if they fail to do so.


Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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