Karl Auerbach a écrit:
> > ... Was it because you wanted to split the user...
> It is an interesting notion that there can only be one of any kind of
> "constituency".

I never suggested any such thing. As you may recall, I was an ardent
supporter of the Paris draft, and even flatter myself that I had
something to do with the creation of an opposition to the
Barcelona/Monterrey draft. I still oppose the idea of
constituencies, for the same reasons you do.

Nevertheless, constituencies were accepted by all the participants,
including the Paris draft spokesmen, in Singapore. And it was not
until the ICIIU published its guidelines and proposal for the NCDNHC
that Joop Teernstra announced the formation of a constituency for
individuals, who, I may remind you, had not yet, not by a long shot,
been denied membership in the NCDNHC. What was the purpose of doing
this, and at a time when the obvious common opponent of all the
independent users was, as it remains, big business represented by

Furthermore, who is playing the "constituency game" now, the ICIIU
or IDNO? The ICIIU has rejected the ISOC-manipulated NCDNHC and
refuses to participate any further in a co-opted and subservient
DNSO being run from a CORE server. But Joop Teernstra and his
accolytes pretend to want nothing more than to be accepted as a
constituency in the co-opted DNSO, and, once accepted, will be even
more ready to play the ICANN game and dance to the tune of ISOC and

What is the BWG doing in the midst of all this flakiness,
indecision, and betrayal? Joining IDNO and begging Javier Sola to be
a nice guy and let them participate in working groups that are a
total sham, as the indifference to those working groups'
organization and mailing lists from the people running the DNSO

The BWG and IDNO are like the people who, having gotten on the wrong
train, are so busy eating and drinking that they don't realize that
unless they get off they'll never get where they're going.

The policies, regarding the registration and use of domain names,
that will be emitted by the DNSO are already determined by ISOC,
CORE, and the ICANN board. You and the BWG and IDNO are wasting your
time and energy, degrading youraelves, and allowing impostors like
Javier Sola to justify their theft of authority. If you had made
common cause with the ICIIU, which has always spoken the truth and
has refused to compromise for any realpolitik advantage, we might
now, together, be able to exert real pressure on the higher powers
to stop this deviant process, something that neither James Love nor
the Americans for Tax Reform nor any university law professor will
ever do, simply because they don't know and don't really care
whether ICANN is the White Paper's Newco or not.

And quite frankly I doubt that IDNO does either.

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (212)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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