It is interesting, is it not, that the messages I forwarded to the list
never appeared there.

I will repost.

Gene Marsh

At 09:56 PM 7/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>In Esther Dyson's reply to Dept of Commerce's Becky Burr
>today, and copied to Commerce Committee Bliley, she used
>the term "Internet Community" 10 times to justify various
>actions and assertions.  Examples include:
>   "...was adopted following a thorough process of
>    notice and comment, and was broadly supported
>    by a consensus of the community."
>   "seemed to the Internet community a fair and
>    workable way"
>    "recognizing community consensus"
>    "ICANN is nothing more than the reflection
>    of community consensus"
>Indeed, the term figures prominently into most recent
>communications emerging from spokespersons for ICANN
>and the Dept of Commerce.
>As it turns out, ICANN actually has an official
>"Community Feedback" site that contains an archive of
>all the "reflections of community consensus."  It's the
>only site, and it's at
>If you go to this site and analyze all the available
>feedback, you obtain the following ICANN community feedback
>1. Over the past 8 months, a total of 547 email note
>comments have been filed as follows:
>Nov-98  20
>Dec-98  10
>Jan-99  25
>Feb-99  30
>Mar-99  47
>Apr-99  105
>May-99  94
>Jun-99  128
>Jul-99  88 (to date)
>2. Two-thirds of the community feedback messages were 3-5 kB -
>about 10-30 lines of message text.  Only 7 were over 20 kB.
>3. One person is responsible for 20 % of the comments.
>Only 17 people have filed more than two comments.
>as follows:
>Michael Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         110
>Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          70
>jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      24
>Karl Auerbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            9
>John B. Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               8
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ron Bennett)                           7
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ellen Rony)                           6
>Eric Weisberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          6
>John D. Goodspeed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       5
>Baumgärtner Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>4
>Russ Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             4
>Jim R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           4
>Ed Gerck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                 3
>Darren Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             3
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             3
>Joseph Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          3
>Richard J. Sexton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                       3
>4. 463 of the email notes (85%) were on unique disparate
>subjects.  Among the notes in which there were more than
>three on the same subject, they were largely the notes of
>the single dominant commentor:
>Re: more netsol fun (fwd)       11
>Re: Contact handles disappearing mysteriously from the whois database! 
>(fwd)    8
>Re: more Internic nightmare (fwd)       7
>Network Solutions       6
>RE: [IFWP] Re: The Sims-Auerbach Correspondence 5
>Re: [IFWP] Slanders and impostures      4
>Re: NSI problems anyone? (fwd)  4
>domain names    4
>RE: [IFWP] The Sims-Auerbach Correspondence (was: The CPT- ICANN 
>Correspondence 3
>Re: Network Solutions loses domain data (fwd)   3
>ICC Message to the Board of Directors of ICANN  3
>Re: More whois fun. (fwd)       3
>Re: Clue? (fwd) 3
>Re: whois changes (fwd) 3
>domain name registration        3
>Re: NetSol on crack? (fwd)      3
>5. Analysis.  ICANN's own "community feedback" files of record
>reveal clearly there is no "community consensus."  Indeed, it is
>preponderantly a chaotic randomness of topics and people combined
>with one outspoken critic, and almost none of the material is
>more than a few paragraphs long.
Gene Marsh
president, anycastNET Incorporated

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