At 08:41 PM 8/1/99 -0700, you wrote:
>As it stands, however, we could easily obtain a further improvement in net
>stability if we established multiple root systems that pointed additional
>servers for the current TLDs.


Would you suggest a "common root server" model (where, for example, all
roots point to the A server as well as others) or a "mirrored root server"
model (where, for example, A, B, and C root servers are identical and used
for the common point) for the central control of the root?


>That would allow me as a user, ISP operator, or corporate/organizational
>administrator to select a root system that best met my own needs.  And if
>it went down, I could quickly switch to another root system.
>               --karl--
Gene Marsh
president, anycastNET Incorporated

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