
By what authority did NSF give NSI's its monopoly?  Why does NASA run root
servers?  I'm a little confused about the USG's involvement in this network

The same authority that gave "monopolies" to the root and all the other
15 million domains, to MCI-IBM (NSFNet), to MFS et al. (NAPs), Sprint
(ICM backbones), to the regional networks, to.... (3000 other awardees
of various infrastructure pieces with attendant intellectual property).  
It's was a private shared user network, even when it was substantially
funded and controlled by the US Government.

.com) is the VHS tape, the 3.5" floppy, the Windows of the Internet.  NSI
should scare the hell out of multiple root supporters, but instead it has
emerged as something of a hero in the battle against top-down regulation.  I
don't think Commerce has any authority here whatsoever, but I prefer them to

Glad to see we're in agreement on the law.  Call me
biased, but we're going to pick agencies without authority
to do the transition, my choice is the FCC as an independent
agency with a private-sector orientation rather than an
Executive Branch agency that represents the government's

> Does the Commerce Department intend to begin managing
> the operations of even more critical network functions
> of the Internet?
                  ^'s composite networks and applications

If the Internet isn't a network, how could it possibly have 'critical
network functions'?

See above.


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