One year ago the below message was sent to this list, as well as to
a few others (if you know these people, or are on the lists mentioned
in the CC line, you might consider forwarding this to them as an FYI.

In the original message from Mr Jim Fleming, the URL was referenced where it says :

"The authors thank Jeff Williams for his superb assistance in developing
and implementing the computer-based complex systems discussed herein."
"and participants at the Aspen Institute's "Internet as Platform"

Jeffrey A. Williams, aka Brian Hollingsworth, etc, appears in the
message below to be insinuating that these people were thanking him,
and that it was him that these people referred to in this document.

The REAL Jeff Williams, the one who actually is the person mentioned
in the paper by Post and Johnson, found this message by Jeff on the
IETF archives, and was somewhat distressed that this person was trying
to make people believe that indeed he is the one that got the credit

There are other issues where it appears Jeffrey may have made claims
that are actually the work of the Jeff Williams already mentioned.

This person is now looking for ways to make sure that people do not
confuse him with this con artist who is posing as something he
obviously is not.

Another one to chalk up to Jeffrey's phoney stories, lies, and
deceptions. If there was any doubt as to the veracity of the
allegations made against our Jeffrey, they can now be safely put to
rest.  That he would intentionally give people the impression that he
was someone that Post and Johnson were thanking, and thus taking
credit for this person's work, shows that indeed he has no intention
of participating in an honest fashion.

Not that this is particularly earth shattering information, but it is
informative, especially for those who may have lingering doubts about
Jeffrey's character.

I would be happy to forward the messages from the real Jeff Williams
to anyone who emails me privately, and will not post them publicly
until I receive permission to do so from Mr Williams (the real one).
He has asked (and I accomodated this request) that I remove him from
the INEGroup membership page, where he signed up thinking it would be
interesting, but then realizing that he may end up getting hate mail
from people who mistake him for the con artist who is the subject of
the site.

P.S. Any bet what [EMAIL PROTECTED] will respond with?  I bet I

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

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