Monday, August 02, 1999, 5:03:49 PM, Brian C. Hollingsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Mr. Walsh and Everyone,

>   I don't recall stating that I was in Europe at the moment.  It may be unknown
> to you Mr. Walsh, but yes one can dial into any world wide 800 number from
> most locals in Europe.  In this instance I am not using the 800 number that Netcom
> provides.

Nice change of story  :)

Odd, the similarities in your postings just continue to stack up......

Exact same mail client, Version numbers match(outdated) and the OS
matches, both using a 16 bit version of this OS.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.08 [en] (Win16; I)

This posting was made from which is the same
pop dialup that is used when posting as Jeffrey A. Williams.  The last
postings were made from which is one of the
toll-free numbers for Mindspring/Netcom.  However, even when using the
national toll-free dialup (Which is not accessible from Europe, I had
someone from IRC try it a few minutes ago) they always use the SAME
SMTP Server config which is a round robin dns configuration.  I've
checked, Mindspring/Netcom uses geographically different SMTP servers
for customers dialing from different numbers.  A user would only use
the same SMTP Server if they had their system previously configured
for one area, and then dialed into another number for the same company
but did not change their smtp server config.  This is, of course,
conveinant for the person playing Brian Hollingsworth/Jeffrey A.
Williams, since changing the SMTP Server config everytime he needed to
use a different identity would be a bit of a hassle (of course if it
were me, I'd have done it totally differently, used a different ISP,
different mail client, etc, but no one ever accused this person of
being overly intelligent to start with or they would never of made up
such incredibly impossible stories to be a participant).

There is more evidence, it is at the site and

William X. Walsh
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934

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