
  It might be usefull and instructional to again make those interested
that Mr. Walsh is one of the most prevelent practioneers of deceit and
fraud that I personally have come across in many years.  The EU as well
as the DOJ have been appropriatly notified and acknowledged, of his 
arrant questionable activities.

For Example: see below attached...

William X. Walsh wrote:

> One year ago the below message was sent to this list, as well as to
> a few others (if you know these people, or are on the lists mentioned
> in the CC line, you might consider forwarding this to them as an FYI.
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/ietf/msg00916.html
> In the original message from Mr Jim Fleming, the URL
> http://www.cli.org/paper4.htm was referenced where it says :
> "The authors thank Jeff Williams for his superb assistance in developing
> and implementing the computer-based complex systems discussed herein."
> ...
> "and participants at the Aspen Institute's "Internet as Platform"
> conference"
> Jeffrey A. Williams, aka Brian Hollingsworth, etc, appears in the
> message below to be insinuating that these people were thanking him,
> and that it was him that these people referred to in this document.
> The REAL Jeff Williams, the one who actually is the person mentioned
> in the paper by Post and Johnson, found this message by Jeff on the
> IETF archives, and was somewhat distressed that this person was trying
> to make people believe that indeed he is the one that got the credit
> here.
> There are other issues where it appears Jeffrey may have made claims
> that are actually the work of the Jeff Williams already mentioned.
> This person is now looking for ways to make sure that people do not
> confuse him with this con artist who is posing as something he
> obviously is not.
> Another one to chalk up to Jeffrey's phoney stories, lies, and
> deceptions. If there was any doubt as to the veracity of the
> allegations made against our Jeffrey, they can now be safely put to
> rest.  That he would intentionally give people the impression that he
> was someone that Post and Johnson were thanking, and thus taking
> credit for this person's work, shows that indeed he has no intention
> of participating in an honest fashion.
> Not that this is particularly earth shattering information, but it is
> informative, especially for those who may have lingering doubts about
> Jeffrey's character.
> I would be happy to forward the messages from the real Jeff Williams
> to anyone who emails me privately, and will not post them publicly
> until I receive permission to do so from Mr Williams (the real one).
> He has asked (and I accomodated this request) that I remove him from
> the INEGroup membership page, where he signed up thinking it would be
> interesting, but then realizing that he may end up getting hate mail
> from people who mistake him for the con artist who is the subject of
> the site.
> P.S. Any bet what [EMAIL PROTECTED] will respond with?  I bet I
> know......
> --
> William X. Walsh
> General Manager, DSo Internet Services
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fax:(209) 671-7934
> Support the Cyberspace Association, the
> constituency of Individual Domain Name Owners
> http://www.idno.org


Brian C. Hollingsworth
Sr. Legal Advisor, International House of Justice Internet
Communications  Affairs and Policy
Advisory council for Public Affairs and Internet Policy, European
Subject: Is this really true about William Walsch                  [S/MIME]
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 23:02:40 +0000                                Signed
From: jeff Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: INEGroup INC.

Karl and Jon,

  Is this really true about William?  (See post to IFWP list below)

----- Original Message -----
From: TJ Network Services Directors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 25, 1998 2:56 AM
Subject: TJ Network Services - Update

|Dear customers,
|Please accept our sincere apologies for the recent DNS
|problems. One of the directors of TJ Network Services,
|William Walsh, was caught embezzling funds, and fraudulently
|misrepresenting us. He was removed from the company, and no
|longer has any affiliation with TJ Network Services
|whatsoever. Upon being evicted, he set about to sabotage the
|.TJ domain by having the primary nameservers IP addresses
|(ns1.nic.tj & ns2.nic.tj) changed to his own dial-up
|computer. This is what caused DNS problems throughout the
|.TJ name space, and in many other non .TJ names. These IP
|addresses have been changed back to their originals, and by
|now everything should be back to normal.
|So, .TJ has NOT been taken over, and remains in control of
|TJ Network Services (of 4065 Nth Seventh Street, Fresno, CA
|US). IANA has requested that we process no more new .TJ
|registrations until this matter is fully resolved, and we
|are honoring that request.
|Please note that because of this DNS sabotage, if you sent
|any email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or other TJNS staff, it is
|likely we did not receive it, so if you are in need of
|further assistance, please send your email again.
|Best regards and happy holidays,
|The Directors of TJ Network Services
| - Karl Watts, General Manager
| - Jon Hedley, Lead Hacker

Jeffrey A. Williams
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
Contact Number:  972-447-1894
Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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