From: []
On Behalf Of Chris Buechler
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 4:41 AM
To: pfSense support and discussion
Subject: Re: [pfSense] pfSense "product support lifecycle"?

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Stefan Baur
<> wrote:
> Am 24.04.2012 09:32, schrieb Chris Buechler:
>> Nothing formal. To date, once we put out a new release, all prior 
>> releases will not get any updates. That will probably especially be 
>> true going forward, with much shorter release cycles than we had from
>> 1.2.3 to 2.0, and much fewer changes, hence much less risk of 
>> upgrading.
> In that case, I'm really curious if in-place upgrading will work for 
> me on the newer releases... otherwise I see a lot more work headed my 
> way. :-/

It works in virtually all circumstances and always has. 1.2.3 to 2.0 was a
rough upgrade path because pretty much every single portion of the system
had massive changes introduced that included configuration upgrade code, but
even at that, at release time the vast majority of installs upgraded with no
issues at all. 2.0.1 incorporated a few fixes for 1.2.3 to 2.x upgrades. I'm
not aware of any circumstance since then that won't upgrade correctly, with
the only exception being uncommonly used OpenVPN custom options a very few
people used on 1.2.3 that conflict with those used out of the box on 2.x. If
any release in our history would have justified additional maintenance
releases it would have been 1.2.x because of the vast differences going to
the next release. We'll never have another release with even a tenth the
amount of changes that entailed. If some serious security issue on
1.2.3 would have come out shortly after 2.0 release we would have considered
an additional 1.2.x release depending on specifics. And I can see doing
something similar in the future depending on the conditions involved.
Anything that is easily remotely exploitable would raise things to a level
that it would possibly make that doable.
Depends on the component involved. If for instance post-2.1 some major PHP
5.2 issue comes out that has no resolution aside from upgrading to PHP 5.3
(5.2 is end of life, though at this point we'd probably figure out a way to
patch it for a 2.0.x rather than upgrading), you'd be safer running 2.1
which has been fully and widely tested on PHP 5.3 (which required a number
of changes) than you would a security updated 2.0.x on PHP 5.3 that didn't
have pre-release time for widespread community and internal QA. In that case
we probably wouldn't release a 2.0.x update because it'd be more risky than
upgrading to 2.1.

-----Original Message-----


Don't you have a way to track which release is being used the most and
tailor support accordingly 

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